Monday, May 3, 2010

Keep on Keeping On

All that fretting was for naught, at least for now.

My online suitor "S" sent me a text at 8:38 a.m. yesterday while I was in church. He wrote that his son's dog was recently fixed and was wearing an Elizabethan collar. Since his son had to work yesterday and S couldn't leave the dog unattended with the unwieldy collar, he had to stay home with the dog.

I sent a text reply asking that he let me know if he wants to reschedule. I haven't received a text from him since.

I found the timing of his text "interesting." I'm a little disappointed considering I was wearing a ruby red sundress for our meeting. But angry? Not so much.

I have so much on my plate right now that I can't really think about whether S will reschedule. I admit I'm a bit stung, but I'll get over it. With starting my business, researching my family roots, and getting out more, I won't have much time to brood.

Writing Diva

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